
utilipy.ipython.printing.printLTX(s: str, math: Union[str, bool] = False, equation: Union[str, bool] = False, matrix: Union[str, bool] = False, label: str = '')[source]

Print in LaTeX.

sraw! str

the s to print

mathbool, str (default False)

whether the whole string should be wrapped in $$ if str: wrap in that string

equation: bool, None (default False)

whether the whole string should be wrapped in $equation$ if None: then ‘equation*’

matrix: bool, str (default False)

whether the whole string should be wrapped in $matrix$ if str, use that matrix type, like ‘bmatrix’ shortcuts) ‘b’ -> ‘bmatrix’

label: the label of the equation, etc.

only used in equation or matrix



optional PyLaTeX input