utilipy on import

This is the documentation for the top-level of utilipy, ie, what happens on import.

The utilipy Package on import.

Welcome to utilipy, a collection of useful python codes. This is a centralized repository for non project-specific code. There are modules for making advanced decorators, interfacing with IPython environments, data utilities, making fitting libraries inter-operable, and much more.


Zenodo [1], Astropy [2]


nstarman. (2020, March 23). nstarman/utilipy: astropy_template (Version astropy_template). Zenodo. http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.3724822


Astropy Collaboration et al., 2018, AJ, 156, 123.


To do a specific search of utilipy’s docs, use the online_help function. If you don’t have a specific query, that’s fine too, utilipy will open the general search page.

As an example, here we query RTD for the documentation on LogFile.

>>> import utilipy
>>> utilipy.online_help(query="LogFile") 

The same can be accomplished with the general help function.

>>> import utilipy
>>> utilipy.help(query="LogFile", online=True) 


utilipy Package


wraps(wrapped[, signature, docstring, …])

wraps(), adding signature and docstring features.

lookup([query, online])

Utilipy help function.

online_help([query, version])

Search the online documentation for the given query.


Reload utilipy configuration.


LogFile(filename, verbose, sec_div, header, …)

Class for basic logger that can both print and record to a file.

ObjDict(name, **kw)

Dictionary-like object intended to store information.



Graph representing the paths between data types.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of utilipy.utils.logging._LogFile.LogFile, utilipy.utils.collections.ObjDict