
utilipy.online_help(query: Union[None, str, Any] = None, version='1.0.2.dev91+g1798494')[source]

Search the online documentation for the given query.

Opens the results in the default web browser. Requires an active internet connection.

querystr, object, optional

The search query for RTD. None (default) or “” is an empty search. If an object, uses find_api_page() to find the correct API page.

See also



To do a specific search of utilipy’s docs, use the online_help function. If you don’t have a specific query, that’s fine too, utilipy will open the general search page.

As an example, here we query RTD for the documentation on LogFile.

>>> import utilipy
>>> utilipy.online_help(query="LogFile") 

The same can be accomplished with the general help function.

>>> import utilipy
>>>"LogFile", online=True)