
class utilipy.utils.LogPrint(verbose: int = 0, sec_div: str = '-', header: Union[str, None, bool] = None, show_header: bool = True, **kw: Any)[source]

Bases: object

A basic logger wrapper for print.

Initialize LogPrint.

start the file header (just printing)

Methods Summary


Close the non-existent file.

newsection([title, div, print])

Make new section.

open([verbose, sec_div, header, show_header])

Open LogPrint.


Open a logfile to read.

open_to_write([verbose, sec_div, header, …])


print(*text[, start, sep, end])

Wrap-function for print.

read_log(filename[, buffering, encoding, …])

Read and print out a previous log.

record(*text[, start, sep, end, …])

Redirects to write, which goes to print.

report(*msgs[, verbose, print, write, start_at])

Report function whose message is determined by verbose.

write(*text[, start, sep, end, …])

Print text.

Methods Documentation


Close the non-existent file.

implemented solely to be overwritten by child classes.

newsection(title=None, div=None, print=True)None[source]

Make new section.

div: str, None (default None)

the divider None -> sec_div from initialization

classmethod open(verbose: int = 0, sec_div: str = '-', header: Union[str, None, bool] = None, show_header: bool = True, **kw: Any) → Any[source]

Open LogPrint.


kw absorbs all extra kwargs to be consistent with LogFile

classmethod open_to_read() → Any[source]

Open a logfile to read.

this class uses open, not a more extensive logger, like logging

The arguments filename - opener are all for open

classmethod open_to_write(verbose: int = 0, sec_div: str = '-', header: Union[str, None, bool] = None, show_header: bool = True, **kw: Any) → Any[source]



kw absorbs all extra kwargs to be consistent with LogFile

print(*text: str, start: str = '', sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n')None[source]

Wrap-function for print.

text: str

the text to print

sep: str (default ‘ ‘)

the separater for print

end: str (default ‘n’)

the end for print

classmethod read_log(filename: str, buffering: int = - 1, encoding: Optional[Any] = None, errors: Optional[Any] = None, newline: Optional[Any] = None, closefd: bool = True, opener: None = None)str[source]

Read and print out a previous log.

filename: str

the file name / path at which to save this log

.. todo::

what should this return?

record(*text: str, start: str = '', sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', startsection: Union[bool, str] = False, endsection: Union[bool, str] = False)None[source]

Redirects to write, which goes to print.

this is implemented solely for compatibility with LogFile

report(*msgs: str, verbose: Optional[int] = None, print: bool = True, write: bool = True, start_at: int = 1, **kw: Any)None[source]

Report function whose message is determined by verbose.


the verbosity-ordered messages blank messages can be <None>, not only ‘’

verboseint, optional

which message to record None (default) uses self.verbose (default = 0, unless specified)


whether to print, or just record


whether to write to logger file write redirects to print in this class


what level of verbosity is the first msg ex: report(‘test’, start_at=3) means ‘test’ is at verbose=3


kwargs for self.write or self.print

write(*text: str, start: str = '', sep: str = ' ', end: str = '\n', startsection: Union[bool, str] = False, endsection: Union[bool, str] = False, print: bool = True)None[source]

Print text.

text: str

the text to write & print

start: str (default ‘’)

start to print

sep: str (default ‘ ‘)

the separater for print

end: str (default ‘n’)

the end for print

startsection: bool (default False)

whether to start a new section before writing

endsection: bool (default False)