Utils (utilipy.utils)


utilipy.utils Package



temporary_namespace(locals_ref[, keep])

Temporary Namespace within with statement.

make_help_function(name[, module, look_for, …])

Set docstring from module Returns section.


LogPrint(verbose, sec_div, header, None, …)

A basic logger wrapper for print.

LogFile(filename, verbose, sec_div, header, …)

Class for basic logger that can both print and record to a file.

ObjDict(name, **kw)

Dictionary-like object intended to store information.

WithDocstring(wrapped, doc)

Object wrapt to include metadata.

WithMeta(wrapped, **kw)

Objects wrapt to include metadata.

WithReference(wrapped, *, doc, reference, **kw)

Objects wrapt to include reference(s) and other metadata.

Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of utilipy.utils.logging._LogPrint.LogPrint, utilipy.utils.logging._LogFile.LogFile, utilipy.utils.collections.ObjDict, utilipy.utils.collections.WithDocstring, utilipy.utils.collections.WithMeta, utilipy.utils.collections.WithReference