Decorators Baseclass (utilipy.decorators.baseclass)


utilipy.decorators.baseclass Module

Base class for decorators.

Most decorators are function-based. A function-based decorator is reasonably flexible, even permitting default values to be set dynamically. By using wraps in functools these function-based decorators may can also merge the decorator and function signatures and docstrings.

def template_decorator(function=None, *, kw1=None, kw2=None):
    '''Decorator Docstring.

    function : Callable or None, optional
        the function to be decoratored
        if None, then returns decorator to apply.
    kw1, kw2 : Any, optional
        keyword only arguments
        sets the wrapper's default values.

    wrapper : Callable
        wrapper for `function`
        includes the original function in a method ``.__wrapped__``

    if function is None: # allowing for optional arguments
        return functools.partial(template_decorator, kw1=k1, kw2=kw2)

    @utilipy.wraps(function, _doc_style='numpy')
    def wrapper(*args, kw1=kw1, kw2=kw2, kw3="kw3", **kw):
        '''wrapper docstring.

        kw1, kw2 : Any, optional
            default {kw1}, {kw2}
        kw3 : str, optional
            default {kw3}

        # do stuff here
        return_ = function(*args, **kw)
        # and here
        return return_

    return wrapper

For most purposes decorators of these sorts are sufficient. However, there are a number of limitations inherent to a function-based approach. A more general architecture is possible using classes. As example, TemplateDecorator is nearly equivalent to the previously defined template_decorator.

class TemplateDecorator():

    def __new__(cls, function=None, *, kw1=None, kw2=None):
        self = super().__new__(cls)  # make instance
        if function is not None:  # this will return a wrapped function
            return self(function, kw1=kw1, kw2=kw2)
        else:  # this will return a function wrapper
            return self

    def __init__(self, kw1=None, kw2=None):
        self.kw1 = kw1
        self.kw2 = kw2

    def __call__(self, function, kw1=None, kw2=None):
        '''Construct a function wrapper.'''
        kw1 = self.kw1 if kw1 is None else kw1
        kw2 = self.kw2 if kw2 is None else kw2

        def wrapper(*args, kw1=kw1, kw2=kw2, kw3="kw3", **kw):
            '''wrapper docstring.

            kw1, kw2 : Any, optional
                default {kw1}, {kw2}
            kw3 : str, optional
                default {kw3}

            # do stuff here
            return_ = function(*args, **kw)
            # and here
            return return_

        return wrapper

An important difference between template_decorator and TemplateDecorator happens at creation. If template decorator is created with



Convert decorated functions to classes.


DecoratorBaseMeta(name, bases, dct)

Meta-class for decorators.


Class Inheritance Diagram

Inheritance diagram of utilipy.decorators.baseclass.DecoratorBaseMeta, utilipy.decorators.baseclass.kwargs