inRange*args: Union[numpy.array, Sequence], rng: Union[Sequence, ellipsis] = Ellipsis, lbi: bool = True, ubi: bool = False, as_ind: bool = False) → numpy.array[source]

Multidimensional box selection.


list of values along each dimension must be the same length can be same-shaped ND arrays, each treated as a series of rows.

rngSequence or Ellipsis, optional

(default Ellipsis) the domain for each argument in args:

args = [[x1], [x2], ...]
rng =   [1st [lower, upper],
         2nd [lower, upper],

if each ‘xn’ is multidimensional

lbibool, optional

(default True) Lower Bound Inclusive, whether to be inclusive on the lower bound

ubibool, optional

(default False) Upper Bound Inclusive, whether to be inclusive on the upper bound

as_indbool, optional

(default False) whether to return bool array or the indices (where(bool array == True)) sets the default behavior for the wrapped fnction func

inrangebool ndarray

boolean array to select values in box selection

Other Parameters
as_indbool or “flatten”, optional

(default False) whether to return a boolean array, or array of indices.


if as_ind is “flatten” and cannot be flattened (len > 1)

See also


multidimensional box exclusion


inRange and outRange combined


list of args:

>>> x = np.arange(5)
>>> y = np.arange(5) + 10
>>> inRange(x, y, rng=[[0, 3], [10, 15]]) 
array([ True,  True,  True, False, False])

multidimensional arg:

>>> x = np.array([[ 0,  1], [10, 11]])
>>> rng = [[0, 3], [9, 11]]
>>> inRange(x, rng=rng) 
array([[ True,  True],
       [ True, False]])


allow lbi & rbi to be lists, matching args, for individual adjustment