
utilipy.data_utils.select.outRange(*args: Union[numpy.array, Sequence], rng: Union[Sequence, ellipsis] = Ellipsis, lbi: bool = True, ubi: bool = False, as_ind: bool = False) → numpy.array[source]

Multidimensional box exclusion.

equivelent to ~inRange


either list of values along each dimension or list of values & bounds the input type depends on rng

rngEllipsis or Sequence, optional

(default Ellipsis) if rng is not Ellipsis:

args = [[x1], [x2], ...]
rng =   [1st [lower, upper],
         2nd [lower, upper],

else, args are the list of (x, [lower bound, upper. bound])

lbibool, optional

(default False) Lower Bound Inclusive, whether to be inclusive on the lower bound

ubibool, optional

(default True) Upper Bound Inclusive, whether to be inclusive on the upper bound

as_indbool, optional

(default False) whether to return bool array or the indices (where(bool array == True)) sets the default behavior for the wrapped fnction func

outrangendarray of bool or ndarray of int

boolean array to select values outside box selection if as_ind, then index array of same


allow lbi & rbi to be lists, matching args, for indiv adjustment

Other Parameters
as_indbool or “flatten”, optional

(default False) whether to return a boolean array, or array of indices.


if as_ind is “flatten” and cannot be flattened (len > 1)